Bye laws
(Regd. No. 28113/75) |
The name of the Society will be "INDIAN SOCIETY FOR ROOT CROPS"
Indian Society for Root Crops Central Tuber Crops Research Institute Sreekariyam Thiruvananthapuram 695017 Kerala India
Phone: (0091) (0471) 2598551, 2598552, 2598553, 2598554
Fax: (0091) (0471) 2590063
E-mail: isrc_ ctcri @ yahoo.com.
Web site: http://www.ctcri.org
Area of operation
Throughout the world
The official headquarters of the Society shall be located at the Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Aims and objectives
The purpose of the Society shall be to advance the cause of the Tropical Root and Tuber
Crops in all their aspects by:
Publishing a Journal which shall be called "JOURNAL OF ROOT CROPS"
Holding National and International symposia, group meetings etc. with a view to diffuse scientific knowledge on tropical tuber crops among scientists and public
Holding agricultural shows and exhibitions related to Tropical Root and Tuber Crops.
Encouraging original investigations on Tropical Root and Tuber Crops
Organizing efforts to create facilities for Root and Tuber Crops research work in the
country and
Other activities approved by the Society from time to time.
Membership of the Society shall be open to all individuals interested in any field of
Agricultural Science related directly or indirectly to Tropical Root and Tuber Crops. Any such individual may apply for membership in the prescribed application to the Secretary of the Society and by paying the prescribed membership fee.
There shall be four classes of members, viz., Life, Ordinary, Student and Honorary. Life members are those who pay a sum of Rs.5000/- for Indian citizens and US $700 for foreign citizens. The amount should be paid in one lump sum.
Ordinary members are those who pay an annual subscription of Rs. 1000/- in India and US $ 200 for foreign citizens. Any student in a University, College or Research Institute when vouched for by the Head of the Institution or a Department thereof may become a Student member of the Society by paying Rs. 50/- as membership fee. There shall be a sum of Rs. 10/- as admission fee for Indian citizens and US $ 1 for foreigners.
Honorary membership shall be restricted to persons of eminence for their significant contribution to Tropical Root and Tuber Crops. Honorary members shall be selected on the unanimous recommendation of the Executive Council with ratification by four - fifth majority of those present and voting at the subsequent General Body meeting. The number of Honorary members shall not at any time exceed 5 percent of the total number of Life members and Ordinary members.
Any Ordinary/Student member who defaults payment of subscription to the Society ceases to be a member. The membership fee/subscription is always payable in advance
Privileges of Members
Ordinary and Life members have the right to vote and hold office and entitled to receive the Journal of Root Crops and other publications of the Society as the Executive Council may decide. Voting by proxy shall not be permissible.
Honorary members shall enjoy all the privileges of Ordinary members, except that
they shall not be eligible for any office or to vote at the meetings of the Society.
Student members shall enjoy all the privileges of Ordinary members except that they
shall not be eligible for any office or to vote
The members of the Society shall be eligible to publish research papers in the Journal of Root crops.
Subscription to Journal of Root Crops
There is a provision for subscribing to the Journal of Root Crops
The annual subscription shall be Rs. 1000/- for individuals and Rs. 4000/- for Institutions within India. The annual subscription for foreigners and students will be US $ 200 and Rs. 100/- respectively.
The annual subscription of the Journal of Root Crops from non-members shall be Rs. 1000/- in India and US $ 200 outside India inclusive of postage.
The General Body can revise the subscription rates from time to time.
The financial year
The financial year of the Society begins on 1 st April and ends on 31 st March
Any person of reputation donating a sum not less than Rs. 25,000/- in one lumpsum to help the cause of the Society can be considered for Patronship. Patrons shall be selected on the unanimous recommendation of the Executi ve council with ratification at the subsequent General Body meeting. The patron or a representative of the patron shall enjoy all the privileges of a Life Member.
There is a provision for Honorary Patronship for persons of high reputation and shall be by unanimous nomination of the Executive council and ratification by the General Body.
The Executive Council
There shall be an Executive Council which shall carry on all the affairs of the Society. Executive Council shall not act contrary to the general policy of the Society and sanctions of the Council will be subject to review at the subsequent General Body meeting of the Society.
The Executive Council shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Editor, five Executive Council members and four zonal members from the four regions in India viz., the Southern Region comprising of Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Kamataka, Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry and Laccadives; the Eastern Region comprising of Orissa, West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkand, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Mizoram, Nagaland, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalay and Andamans; the Northern region comprising of Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Punjab, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Delhi; the Western region comprising of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Goa, Diu and Daman
The office bearers of the Society will be elected by the General Body once in three years.
The time of retirement of the office bearers shall be immediately after the close of
the Annual Meeting in which the election takes place.
The President shall preside over the Executive and the General Body meetings.
The President shall advise and direct the Secretary in the day to day affairs of the Society.
Vice President
The Vice-President shall assist the President in the functioning of the Society.
In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall preside over the Executive
Council and General Body meetings.
The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the proceedings of the General Body meetings of the Society and of the Executive Council and shall perform all other duties devolving upon that office.
The Secretary shall be responsible to the Executive and General Body regarding the assets of the Society.
Joint Secretary
The Joint Secretary shall assist the Secretary in all duties
In the absence of the Secretary, he/she shall perform the duties of the Secretary.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial affairs of the Society. He/she shall keep accounts, receive deposits and disburse money on behalf of the Society. A savings bank account shall be opened in a Scheduled Bank and will be operated jointly by any two of the three office bearers viz., President, Secretary, Treasurer.
All accounts of the Society shall be audited by an Approved External Auditor appointed by the Executive Council. The Treasurer shall present the audit report of the previous year at the time of the Annual General Body meeting.
Among the office bearers, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer and Chief Editor shall be members working at the headquarters of the Society (Central Tuber Crops Research Institute) for functional advantages.
Editorial Board
The Editorial Board shall consist of :
The Chief Editor and
Six Editors nominated by the Executive Council for a three year term.
The Chief Editor shall be responsible for the publication of Journal of the Society. He shall act as the Convenor of the Editorial Board and will be the final authority for the scrutiny and publication of the articles in the Journal. The Board may also send such articles as found necessary to referees. The Editorial Board shall plan the editorial policy of the Journal from time to time.
Meetings of the Executive Council
The Executive Council meetings shall be held periodically at the discretion of the
President or on the request of one-third of the members of the Executive Council.
The date, venue and time of meeting shall be notified by the Secretary to each member of the Executive Council at least two weeks before the date on which such meetings are to be held. Non-receipt of such notice or postal delay in reaching the notice to any member shall not invalidate the proceedings of such meetings. Seven members of the Council shall form the quorum
Extraordinary meetings of the Executive Council shall be called by the President on a requisition signed by any five members of the Executive Councilor at the discretion of the President. In such cases the President shall direct the Secretary to issue notice for the purpose. If found absolutely necessary the President may carryon the business of the Executive Council and the Editorial Board through correspondence.
A minimum of two meetings shall be held in a calendar year.
Meetings of the Society
The time, date and venue of the Annual General Body meeting shall be decided by the Executive Council. The venue shall be fixed by the Executive Council according to the convenience of the members.
The Agenda for the Annual General Body meeting shall be circulated by the Secretary at least one month in advance.
An extraordinary meeting of the Society shall be convened if one-third of the members of the Society send a signed requisition to the President for such a meeting. An emergent or extraordinary meeting of the General Body may be called by Executive Council by giving the members 10 days notice.
Meeting of the Society shall be presided over by the President or in his absence the Vice-President or by one member of the Council elected at the meeting. One-fifth of the Ordinary and Life members shall form the quorum.
Meeting of the Editorial Board
An annual meeting of the Editorial Board shall be held at the time of the Annual General Body meeting of the Society if desired by the President.
Ordinary meetings of the Editorial Board may be called by the Chief Editor.
Election of Office Bearers
The following procedure shall be adopted for election of the office bearers. The Secretary shall circulate the updated list of members two months before the Annual General Body Meeting. The Executive Council shall nominate a Returning Officer for the conduct of the elections. The Returning Officer shall invite nominations for the different office bearers of the Society. The nominations proposed and seconded by members of the Society should reach 30 days before the Annual General Body Meeting. Voting, if required, is by secret ballot. If there is tie, the Returning Officer will prepare the ballot paper and send it to all members for the election. The completed ballot paper should be returned to the Returning Officer 15 days before the Annual General Body Meeting. The results of the election will be announced during the Annual General Body Meeting by the Returning Officer.
A majority shall elect. Tie shall be decided by drawing lots.
The Executive Council will co-opt members to fill up interim vacancies in the Executive Council.
All retiring office bearers shall be eligible for re-election
Once in every year after one month from the date of the General Body meeting of the Council, a list of members with their occupation and address shall be filled with the Registrar of Societies.
A member may withdraw from the Society by signifying his desire to do so in a letter addressed to the President. The Society however, shall not be liable to return any fee , that may have been paid by the member.
Any member who defaults payment of subscription to the Society for a period of more than one year ceases to be a member. The membership fee is always payable in advance.
The funds of the Society shall derive from: (a) admission fee, (b) annual subscription of members, (c) life membership fee, (d) donations, (e) grant-in-aid from Government, Institutions, Societies or individuals interested in the welfare of the Society, (f) subscription to the Journal and sale proceeds of the publications and (g) any other source as determined by the Executive Council.
The bye laws of the Society may be amended at any General Body meeting of the Society by three-fourth majority of the members present and voting for the amendment. Any amendment proposed by a member should be forwarded to the Secretary one month in advance of the General Body meeting for circulation among the members.
On the dissolution of the Society if there remain after the satisfaction of all its debts any assets they shall not be paid or distributed among the members but shall be given to some other professional scientific societies similar in its objectives to be determined by the votes of not less than three-fifth of the members present personally at the time of the dissolution.