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Our mission: Making Tuber Crops Competitive
Indian Society for Root Crops

   Indian Society for Root Crops was established in 1972 with HQ at CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India . The Society has now completed 34 years of yeoman service to tropical tuber crops research and development there by contributing to the socio economics of the root crops farming community. The major objectives of the society are to provide a professional association to network the personnel involved in tropical tuber crops research, development and farming and to disseminate research related to tuber crops and providing the members a forum for interaction and exchange of ideas. The society publishes ‘Journal of Root Crops’ to serve this end. The society has also organized a host of International and National Symposium and Group meetings in collaboration with international agencies like CIP, CIAT, IDRC, FAO, CIRAD etc and National agencies like ICAR, CSIR, DBT, DST, NABARD, and SBI etc. The society has a 300 life members and 40 institutional members which include significant number from abroad

    We set our mission as ‘Making Tuber Crops Competitive’. The change in the functionaries of the society reflecting the vision and aspirations and ideas of a generation attuned to technical advance would make the mission come true.

International Symposium on Tropical Root & Tuber Crops for Nutrition, Agrifood Systems, Resilience, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainability (ISTRTC 4 NARES) ISRC intvites application for Fellow of Indian Society for Root Crops (FISRC) from intrested and eligible members. Last date for receiving application along with supporting documents is November 5, 2023. Click this link to download the application         Membership fees of the Society has been revised.       Reconstitution of the Editorial board of Journal of Root Crops.
Reconstitution of the Editorial board of Journal of Root Crops
National Conference on Tropical Tuber Crops for Sustainability, Tradition, Agri-Food Systems & Resilience (NCTTC 4STAR 2023)
Membership fees of the society revised
Travel grant scheme announced
Directory of members
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